If your High-Yield account is provided by your institution, you will receive a "Getting Started Guide" from our Curriculum Support team providing your username and password.
Don't remember your password and cannot log in?
- Your password and security question are the same and set up by our team.
- Search your email and spam folders for the Getting Started Guide from curriculumsupport@highyieldmedreviews.com.
- Can't find it? Email customer service and we will be happy to assist you with retrieving your password.
Once you are logged in, you can change your password and security question.
- Update Password
- From your dashboard, click on your email address at the top of the page to the left of the RED logout button. Enter current password and updated password. *This will NOT change your eBook password.
- Separate Systems
- High-Yield dashboard & eReader are SEPARATE systems! If you change your password for one system, it does NOT change it for the other.
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